
Saturday 1 December 2012


Inhaling oils in warm steam in a small space gives maximum benefits in a very short time. It is ideal for treating coughs and colds, clearing sinuses or for treating your skin to a steam facial.
Place 1 litre of water in a heat-proof bowl and add 5 drops of essential oil to the surface of the water. Bend  forward over the bowel and drape a large towel over your head to trap the evaporating oils and steam. Inhale the vapours for a few minutes, then top up the bowl with a little more boiling water to evaporate the remaining essential oil. 
In moderation, oils can also be inhaled by putting them directly onto a hankie or tissue. 2 drops directly onto the fabric is enough to last for several hours. It can be placed on your pillow at night or in your top pocket during the day.

Best Oils for Inhalation

chamomile (for sleeplessness)
 eucalyptus (for chest/nasal congestion
frankincense (fro depression,anxiety)
myrrh (for sore throat, coughs)
peppermint (for energy, concentration) 

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