
Thursday 8 November 2012

Raise your Self Esteem

High self-esteem is a major factor that can positively affect most areas of our life. If however, we have low self-esteem, it acts as a constant challenge . . . a hurdle we have to get over each and every time we want to try something new, it’s a constant force dragging us down.
Whilst our self-esteem can be difficult to change it is by no means, an impossibility. Here are just a few tips for improving your self-esteem, and will get you feeling better and more positive about yourself on a daily basis:

It is a good idea to make a list of things you like about yourself and refer to it often. (don’t be shy – the list is for you) The list should include your successes and achievements, and your positive traits and qualities.  This is a good exercise - the more you practice liking and accepting yourself, the more things you can to add to the list.
·         Surround yourself with people who are caring, loving and accepting. Don't let yourself get dragged down by the negative attitudes of others. Your true friends truly like you the way you are.
·         Take good care of yourself.  Think about how you would treat your best friend if they needed some support! Give yourself that care and attention you deserve, that might mean breaking a few bad habits, paying more attention to your physical health and appearance, or taking a break with some relaxing time alone. 
·         Do the things you love. Find a way that you can shine, using your strengths and talents to the best of your abilities.  Pursuing activities that you're good at is one of the best ways to build self-confidence! 

High self-esteem is a powerful motivator and an important predictor of future success. You can get started improving your self-esteem today. 


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