
Thursday 29 November 2012


When we breath in the aromas of essential oils they effect us in numerous ways. Firstly the smell itself is instantly recorded in the limbic area of the brain which is where we also store memories and emotions. For this reason we are sometimes reminded of hospital visits etc. when we smell antiseptics. Or it could be the smell of lavender reminding us of a childhood cuddle with grandma, if she used it a a perfume, it can be accompanied by a feeling happiness and safety.. This is the reason we can either love or hate a particular smell, and why our sense of smell is so important.
Secondly. the tiny chemical elements which make up each molecule of an essential oil are absorbed through our nasal membranes and  can change our mood, relax our nervous system, make us feel more alert etc. Although research has not explained how this happens, there is physical proof that it does. It has been shown for example that inhaling a relaxing smell causes an immediate reduction in blood pressure and slows the heart beat.
Both of these things indicate that inhaling essential oils is a quick, simple and effective way of enjoying their therapeutic benefits. Using aromatherapy on a daily basis tests and strengthens our sense of smell and improves our health and well being: and the house smells wonderful too!

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