
Sunday 21 October 2012

The Liver Meridian (MERIDIANS (part 2 of 14)

Liver Meridian (Chief of Staff)
The Meridian of Happiness
Liver - The General in Charge of Strategy
·         Considered the second Heart of the body
·         Laboratory for the entire metabolism
·         Responsible for filtering, detoxifying, nourishing, replenishing, and storing Blood
·         Regulates its release into the body as needed
·         Associated with the female menstrual cycle
·         Regulates the flow of vital energy
·         Governs muscle tone
·         Governs growth and development, drive and desires, ambitions and creativity.
·         Called the “root of resistance to fatigue”
·         Stores the “soul” – combination of mental activity, consciousness, determination, Po (vitality), and Hun (ethereal aspect of soul)
·         Affected by grief, sorrow and by taking offense
·         Health of the Liver is seen in the eyes and nails, and is reflected in the quality of the tendons

The Liver Meridian starts at the top of the big toe and travels up the leg to the pubic bone. It then circles the sexual organs, enters the lower abdomen, and travels upward to connect with the liver and gallbladder. It moves up to the lungs to connect with the Lung Meridian before curving around the mouth. It then splits and one branch goes up to each eye. The two disjointed branches finally meet at the forehead and travel over the top of the head.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for liver, gynecological and genital diseases. They are also recommended for symptoms along the meridian’s pathway.

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