
Thursday 25 October 2012

STOMACH MERIDIAN (Meridians 6 of 14)

Stomach Meridian
Minister of the Mill
 The Meridian of Content and Calmness

·         Paired with the Spleen
·         Responsible for providing the entire system with postnatal energy from the digestion of food and fluids
·         Produces digestive juices
·         Health of the Stomach is reflected in the digestive process
·         Spleen and Stomach are very closely associated – the two terms are sometimes used interchangeably
·         Associated with annoyanceThe Stomach Meridian emerges from the end of the Large Intestine Meridian just under the eyes. It then goes around the nose to encircle the bridge of the nose, simultaneously going down around the mouth and up each cheek to the forehead. It then travels from the lower jaw through the neck to the sternum, where it divides into two branches. One branch passes down the chest, belly, and groin, and continues down each leg, ending at the tip of the second toe.
Acupuncture points in this meridian are indicated for certain gastroenteric diseases, toothaches and mental illnesses. Conditions that affect areas through which the meridian passes such as the head, face, eyes, nose and mouth can also benefit from stimulation of the acupuncture points along this meridian.

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