
Sunday 14 October 2012


Doctors are sometimes a little too quick to prescribe drugs for depression. The three major classes of antidepressant drugs are monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, and the most popular, SSRIs, which increase the amount of serotonin in the brain.
These drugs have varying rates of effectiveness and come with long a list of side effects, which include insomnia, loss of libido, nausea, weight gain and headaches. The SSRIs are particularly dangerous, as they may cause anxiety, mania and significant physical and mental agitation, which can in some cases, trigger violent outbursts.
Recent research in America has taken a critical look at studies on antidepressant drugs. They looked at some 74 studies involving 12 drugs and more than 12,000 people. However, not all the study results were published and it would appear that only the positive were selected, leaving the negative findings unpublished. These results show that perhaps the wrong message has been sent out by publishing a biased viewpoint?
Taking antidepressant drugs is not the only answer, nor is it a cure all.
The answer lies with us…by balancing: Body, Mind and Spirit.

Here are a few suggestions:

1.    Vitamin D
A Deficiency in Vitamin D can sometimes lead to depression. So if you are unable to get enough from regular sunlight then a supplement may be recommended.

2.    Omega Fats
We need Omega fats to remain happy and healthy. The two most important ones are Omega 3 and Omega 6: in a ration of 2:1 (two parts omega 3 to one part omega 6) These fats increase serotonin levels which help us fight depression along with other emotional and mental problems. If you are vegan, be very aware about how much omega-6 you eat, as you will unlikely be able to absorb enough omega-3 from plant foods to compensate.

3.    Food Allergies and Food Sensitivity

                 Inflammation in our body caused by food allergies and sensitivities, has    
     been linked to depression and other disorders. Eating foods we are   
                 allergic to can cause bad temper, irritability, mind fog, compulsive behaviour,  
     panic attacks etc. Try to steer away from known allergic or sensitive foods. Try
     changing your diet to mainly anti-inflammatory foods like fruits and vegetables, 
                 fish and other seafood plus filtered water helps to reduce inflammation and  
                 and lighten our mood.

4.    Hypothyroidism and/or Adrenal Fatigue
These are a leading cause of depression. They can leave you feeling very low, easily overwhelmed by small things and inexplicably tired. A blood and saliva test can tell if you are suffering from either of these conditions. Meanwhile you can take steps to help yourself by getting more minerals from food-based supplements and whole foods like organic sea and land vegetables to help correct any deficiencies which may be caused by poor thyroid/adrenal function.

5.    B Vitamins
It is vital to get the complete range of B vitamins for good overall health. If you are experiencing depression make sure you are getting enough B12, B6 and folic acid. These vitamins are critical for metabolising homocysteine which has been known to be a contributing factor in depression, and folate affects neurotransmitters which can affect our moods. Good mood-promoting foods are eggs, fish, beans, lentils, chicken and green leafy vegetables.

6.    Heavy Metal Toxicity
This also has been linked with depression and other mood and neurological problems.
Toxic levels of lead, mercury, aluminium and copper have shown up on lab test results of people suffering from mood and behavioural disorders. Most heavy metals are free radicals (substances which cause oxidative stress) that have an affinity for the brain, damaging brain tissue structure and metabolism.
Good advice is to reduce your exposure to heavy metals by using all natural body, home and garden care products, and consuming whole, organic foods and low-mercury seafood. If you suspect this form of toxicity is sabotaging your health, have your blood tested for heavy metals

7.Get  Moving
Exercising five times a week for 30 minutes increases levels of BDNF, a natural antidepressant in your brain. If you cannot do this remember, even gentle exercise can lift the spirits. Getting your blood and chi energy flowing will make you feel more alive.

8     8.     Meditatation
Meditation helps balances the body and mind in numerous ways, and can relieve depression, anxiety and stress related issues. Practicing meditation trains your mind-body to have a healthier response to stress, allowing you to handle life with a cool head and clear mind. It also soothes frayed nerves and helps bring feelings of calm in hectic times.

9. Reiki
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful form of energy work that helps promote healing of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects. It can help lift depression by aiding emotional release and healing. It can help relieve the heaviness of grief or by helping you find your passion and purpose in life by getting more in tune with your heart's desire or soul purpose. Reiki is also wonderful for stress relief, bringing a calm, centred feeling to a stormy mind which may be full of stress and worries.

10. Be Grateful
An attitude of gratitude is perhaps the most powerful weapon we have against depression. Try placing your focus on things which you are grateful for, rather than what seems missing from or “wrong” in your life. Shift your mind to a more positive vibration. Consciously shifting into gratitude helps us to attract more positive feelings and things in our lives rather than attracting negativity and things we do not want.

·         11. Focus on friends and family.
·          Talk it out. Leaning on others is one of the healthiest things you can do to get through a tough time in your life.

·         12. Learn to laugh.
·         Laughing actually triggers the same endorphins that are affected by exercise. Read something that tickles your fancy, watch your favourite Three Stooges movie, and if possible, try to find humour in your situation.

13. Try to spend some time outdoors every day
Make an effort to spend some time day outdoors every day. If that is not always possible try daily exposure to full-spectrum artificial light, which is made up of all the wavelengths of natural light. Get back to nature, walk on the beach or in woodlands or a favourite spot.

14. Avoid Caffein and Alcohol
Both dampen our mood. alcohol temporarily relaxes us and Caffein boosts energy BUT both effects are short lived. Both worsen mood swings, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

15. Reduce Sweet Intake
Whilst sweets temporarily make us feel good as our blood sugar levels soar but we feel  worse later as they plummet. Don't skip meals - keeping blood sugar levels stable reduces mood swings.

16. Magnesium intake
Most of us do not get enough in our diet. Good sources are legumes, nuts, whole grains and green vegetables. Like vitamin B6, Magnesium is needed for seratonin production. Stress depletes Magnesium.

17. Be Authentic in your Life
Many of us show a different face to the world, we wear a mask and hide our emotions. Be true to your self: Be the Authentic YOU.

With these ways to beat depression, you now have the opportunity to discover the happiness that is available to you, right now, no matter what else is going on in your life. We all deserve to lead a joyful life, so get busy cultivating those good feelings and remember: We always reap what we sow.

 A final note of warning:
If your depression is severe, seek medical help. My suggestions on mood elevation are not meant to take the place of medical therapy for depression. If you are currently on Prozac or another prescription drug for depression and wish to stop taking it, it's essential that you work with your physician to gradually wean yourself off the drug.

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