
Thursday 9 August 2012


Vibrational Frequency: Colour Blue

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha

Situated (not in the Throat) but below, between the Clavicles.

Relationships – the right to speak. Learning to express ourself and our beliefs (truthful expression).

Ability to Trust. Loyalty.

 Organisation and Planning.

Communication, talking, writing, listening, reading, learning/teaching.  

Sends energy to Ear, Nose and Throat.

Imbalances: All diseases associated with the above such as Thyroid imbalances, Swollen Glands, Fevers and Flu. Infections in Mouth, Jaw, Tongue. Neck and Shoulder problems. Stuttering, Deafness and so on.
Throat Stimulants: Singing (in the Shower), Poetry, Stamp or Art Collecting. Meaningful conversations.
Blue Food and Drink. Blue Gemstones and Blue Clothing.
Using Blue Oils such as Chamomile or Geranium essential oils.