
Friday 20 July 2012

We Are All One

It is very easy for us to feel completely separate from others, especially in this busy, fast-paced world.... but there is a way to expand our perception of interconnectedness with others.
Start by sitting quietly in meditation and seeing the world and everyone in it in your minds eye. Think about your loved ones, your circle of friends, your business associates and co-workers... and imagine that you can sense a flow of loving, intelligent energy that moves through each of them, and yourself.
Then expand your perception so you can see this energy flowing through all of your neighbours, the people you pass on the street, all of the people in your community, city, country - and even stretching from nation to nation.
This loving, living energy flows through each of us, always. It connects each of us to the other, as completely and surely as having the same blood running through our veins would.
We are all cells in the same body of Humanity.

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