
Tuesday 24 July 2012


Being human, we make mistakes. We may have been to dark places in thought or deed at sometime in our lives. It is most important- rather than to judge, blame or condemn ourselves for these things - that we recognise, acknowledge and forgive them. This allows us to let them go and to change.
Everyone can experience dark energies or traits and if unrecognised, they can be repressed or denied within, and projected out to be witnessed externally in the world. 
The problems come when we identify with these shadow aspects and label ourselves as bad or wrong - either consciously or subconsciously - carrying guilt and shame which can obscure and cloud the light within and the truth of who we really are.
Negative energies like envy, self-pity, control, anger, revenge etc are pathways of experience BUT they are not who we are. Being conscious of this is an important step in letting them go.
Making the choice to change and having the willingness to change are powerful allies in giving up the things which are not serving us.
Being aware of negativity does not mean focusing on it or giving it a lot of attention. It is more allowing it to come to light and to be shed and discarded so that we can reveal and embrace our own innate goodness, magnificence and beauty.
If we do not forgive ourselves - we are inflicting self-punishment by keeping ourselves in a prison of judgement, guilt, shame etc.

Forgiveness releases and heals negative emotions and returns us to a state of love. It allows us to release the past, so that we can embrace who we truly are.
Let us allow ourselves to acknowledge our inherent value, worth and innocence and give ourselves the gift of forgiveness.
 It is also important to forgive others, as doing so sets US free. 
Forgiveness blesses and cleanses us and our world. It is an extremely powerful force and is an essential key for new and brighter levels of happiness and joy.