
Sunday 8 July 2012


Malachite with Chrysocolla:This union is a very special one. This combination symbolizes wholeness and peace. Placed on an area of imbalance, it will gently restore equilibrium. By placing one stone on Third Eye and another on Solar Plexus. mind, body and emotions are balanced. This establishes a rapport that allows us to communicate with greater clarity and compassion.
The combination of Malachite with its healing green of the earth and Chrysocolla with its infinite blue of a summer sky combine Earth and Ether energies. Together in this stone they balance and integrate the physical with the spiritual, creating a sense of wholeness and well-being.

As a prayer for world peace is offered, this stone can be placed on a Clear Quartz crystal cluster. This way the generating energies of the quartz will continue to project the mental image of peace long after the prayer is given.
Please note: Crystals can be powerful allies but should be used with care and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.