
Wednesday 11 July 2012


The aura and colours of the aura can vary from one person to the next and different colours in the aura can represent a persons attributes depending on moods, emotions, physical and mental states of well-being or any disharmonies or illnesses that may be present, as well as the individuals level of spirituality and progression, together with general spiritual abilities and their general nature and personality are all reflected and can be seen and picked up through the aura. The aura can expand if spiritual attributes are being used such as clairvoyance, psychic healing and other spiritual work and activities, including astral projection or out of body experiences.
As mentioned spiritual colours can vary greatly and the chakra energy centres can resonate both the primary and secondary colours allowing a very broad spectrum of colours to be seen within the aura. In effect the chakra are a little likened to an artist's mixing pallet, as one chakra opens and becomes more active a new blending of colours can take place within the aura. One or several coloured layers or energy fields can exist and be generated and viewed psychically surrounding a person including, animals or any other life and as mention as well as material matter itself also has a energy field that can be viewed with psychics perceptions. Many have questioned and said, "Is it only the atomic energies that can be seen around all life".
This theory has been put to the test by those who can see aura and the aura of life close to mortal demise has been viewed just prior to demise and within seconds of demise there is a dramatic reduction in the aura, which if the aura was only generated by the atoms within matter, then there should not be any reduction at demise and this reduction happens as the spirit is thought to depart from the physical host body, only leaving the amount of atomic energies surrounding the remains.
If someone is in need of healing, the aura can visibly be seen to be reduced which is an indication that there is normally some form of depletion within the spirit due to an illness or disharmony of some kind, this can be caused by the minds emotions and state or the physical body or on occasion spiritual depletions cause through spiritual work. In this example hot spots can also be seen where there are depletions or needs of healing. 
For those who can see or gain a sense of the aura it is sometimes possible for them to pick up on these hot spots by psychically attuning into a persons aura and seeing or sensing these disharmonies and they often show up as muddy colours, grey’s and sometimes red which can indicate anxieties when seen in the aura. Sometimes if such low spiritual energy it is being suppressed more than caused by a physical illness and the spirit is depleted of natural energies due to the spirits nature being suppressed by the individuals actions. As explained the more in harmony with the true nature of spirit we become the more the energies develop and grow outwardly through the aura. The opposite effect is that negative actions produce not only often a reduction in the aura but also darker and more ominous colours in the aura such as black which is not often present in aura other than as a depletion in character, also red among the black can be ominous.

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