
Saturday 14 July 2012


 For those who are unfamiliar with the chakra system, just imagine that chakras are the necessary batteries in our body. Each battery being responsible for charging a whole Department. Imagine a shop with 7 aisles of products with different functions ie. fresh goods in one, household cleaners in the next, animal foods in another, etc. These incredible batteries last a lifetime and they are RECHARGEABLE. So your chakras are amazing centers of healing energies. Most if not all spiritual therapies and healing systems use the chakra system to rejuvenate the human body.The illustrations below show the physical or  emotional aspects of the seven major chakras.

 You can use them to help you visualize your own chakras and as you put concentration on each in turn it will make you feel better. Just by focusing attention on your own chakra is a powerful exercise. Healing of the associated organs or emotional aspects indicated, starts immediately and when you also place an Antahkarana symbol on that chakra point, healing begins instantly. Chakras have many dimensions but this is a simple way to use them for healing.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please tell me the difference in the OM symbols between Ajna, third eye, 6th chakra and the Crown Chakra, also with the OM symbol. The third eye chakra does not include the middle curve, dream state.....just want to know why. Thanks! Sat Nam! Chamois
