
Saturday 23 June 2012


ATTRIBUTES:This is a powerful stone but one which needs to be handled with some caution and is best used under supervision of a qualified crystal therapist. It is toxic and therefore should only be used in its polished form.  Malachite amplifies both positive and negative energies. It grounds spiritual energies on to the planet. Some believe it is still evolving and will become one of the most important stones of the new millennium.  
Malachite is an important protection stone absorbing negative energies and pollutants easily. It will soak up plutonium pollution and guards against radiation of all kinds. 
Healing:This stone clears and activates the Chakras and attunes to spiritual guidance. Placed on the Third Eye  it activates visualization and psychic vision. On the Heart it will brings balance and harmony. When placed over the Solar Plexus it will clear static or repressed emotions, tension is released from the diaphragm and deep and complete breathing is restored. When the Solar Plexus is cleared and open, energy can move freely between the upper and lower Chakras. This balances the energy between the heart centre and the navel chakra, creating a physical and emotional state of well being.
Psychologically Malachite is a stone of transformation. Life is lived more intensely under its influence, which encourages risk taking and change. It mercilessly shows what is blocking spiritual growth. Malachite draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes, breaks unwanted ties and worn out patterns, and helps us take responsibility for our actions, thoughts and feelings. It releases inhibitions and encourages expression of feelings. 
Mentally, Malachite goes to the core of a problem, enhancing intuition and insight. It helps to alleviate mental disturbances including psychiatric illness and combats dyslexia, strengthening the ability to absorb and process information. 
It stimulates dreams and brings memories vividly to life. 
All in all, Malachite is extremely versatile. It is particularly useful for cramps, and facilitates childbirth (often referred to as the Midwife stone) It resonates with female sexual organs and treats all sexual dis-ease. This stone lowers blood pressure, treats Asthma, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Fractures, Swollen joints, Growths, Travel sickness, Vertigo, Tumors, the Optic nerve, Pancreas, Spleen and the Parathyroid. It aligns DNA and Cellular structure, and enhances the Immune System. Malachite encourages the Liver to release toxins, reducing acidification of tissues. It treats Diabetes when worn around the waist.
However, Malachite may need to be supported in the healing and transformation process by other stones.
Please note: Crystals can be powerful allies but should be used with care and under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.