
Tuesday 5 June 2012


Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II
Crowds throng the Streets

Union Jacks as far as the eye can see

Over 1 million people lined the streets to pay tribute, and say thank you to our Queen for her 60 years of wonderful service to our Country and the Commonwealth.

The Royal family on Royal barge (River Thames)

Thousands of man-powered boats form a flotilla in honour of Her Majesty

A magnificent concert featuring many famous names in the entertainment field including Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Elton John, Stevie Wonder, Dame Shirley Bassey and many many more....
Everyone had a wonderful time and the whole Nation was united in Peace and Love.

Concert Arena in front of Buckingham Palace

It was wonderful to see so many thousands of people from all over the Country and the World coming together,  forgetting their differences and hardships and sharing an event full of Love.

Views of crowds and Houses of Parliament