
Sunday 1 July 2012

ANTAHKARANA - A Powerful Healing Symbol (Part1)

Used as powerful symbol of healing that is widely used by REIKI healers the world over.  It is part of our spiritual anatomy, connecting the physical body with our higher selves.  It is an effective way for the two auras of the self to communicate and perhaps that is why it has been so effective as a sacred meditation and healing tool. It is said that just having this symbol around you creates a positive effect on your Chakras and your Aura.
This sacred symbol remained a secret for thousands of years, known and used by only a few. The Antahkarana is an ancient symbol used for healing and meditation and has been used in Tibet and China for thousands of years. 
For healing purposes, Tibetans created candlelit rooms and in the centre of the room they placed a large oval clay bowl (symbolising the Cosmic Egg) which was placed on a bench. This bowl was filled with a few inches of water (representing the waters of life). The Antahkarana symbol (usually made of silver) was placed in the centre of the water bowl. One wall of the room was made of highly polished copper which created a healing mirror. The opposite wall displayed tapestries which depicted the Reiki Healing Symbols. The healer sat on the bench and would meditate using his or her concentration to unite the energies of the symbol with that of the person requiring healing. This meditation bound the inner knowledge of the meditator with the transcendental energies of the Reiki Symbols reflected in the polished copper mirror. Whilst the Antahkarana focused the energies generated and caused them to flow through all the Chakras into the earth.
 The Antahkarana symbol creates an energy that has a direct effect on the human aura, directly reaching chakra points in various ways. Now, it is a widely known symbol and it is claimed by those who use it, to have a consciousness of its own. It interacts directly with the aura and the chakras; and it is said to know how to vary its healing effect according to what is needed at the time.
Spiritual energies travel up the spine, over the crown chakra, and down through the front of the body to the root chakra and back up again, continuously moving around and around. This flow of energy balances the chakras and prevents excessive build up of energy in any of the chakras. The effect is often invigorating, adding a perceivable boost to vitality. This energy flow has both a grounding and cleansing effect on the body, and as it activates the chakras, it heals the organs associated with each of them. be continued