
Sunday 12 February 2012


Colours are not ´chemical products´ like you would find in the shops for painting our walls and furniture.
Light is energy and the colours are decomposition of light, therefore colour is also energy. When white light hits a prism, it separates the colours and this is why we can see rainbows as the light crosses the prisms formed by water droplets. White light is the sum of all the colours.
There is no doubt that colours affect us both physically and emotionally.
Every day is a colourful journey of the soul. Dawn with its resplendent light awakens and animates us to start the day. The mid-day light is charged with energy when we need it most. Dusk with its lilac tones relaxes and prepares us for a good nights sleep. The dark of night is to make sure we are resting.
Advertising specialists know the affects of colours on us humans. They utilise this to draw our attention to the products they wish to sell, awakening our senses e.g. virility, femininity, calm or action.
Human beings, light and soul (Chakras) show different frequencies and can be treated with appropriate colour vibrations to recover original balance and heal.
Colour therapy is the Art of “Balancing” the energies of the Human Soul and specific parts of the physical body by using the colour energy.
When the colours in our Chakra system are sufficiently balanced the Chakras develope and unite with each other and this returns us to our original ´pure light´ as we were created.