
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Healing Meditation: Charge The Energy

Hands held upward
Breath from the Soul Star to the Nuclear Star. Then from the Nuclear Star breath the light into all of the physical body. Repeat successively.
It is more than likely that you will not be able to fill the whole body at first, but this is quite normal and will improve with practice.
Ultimately all the cells of your body will vibrate in unison with the light.
(20 mins, Grounding as necessary)

Sunday 4 December 2011

Light Channelling

With Each inhale bring the light down from the Soul Star, through the Hara Line to the Nuclear Star.
With each exhale raise the light from the Nuclear Star to The Heart Chakra and direct it down the arms to the hands, where it is expelled/pushed/blown/channelled.
Repeat with each inhale and exhale.
Direct the light as needed by laying on of hands (hands down - giving)

Saturday 3 December 2011

Healing Meditation. " May the will of God manifest on Earth and cross to me"

Hands Upward
Breathing in the Light (up and down through the Hara Line) from the Soul Star to the Earth Star.
(20 Mins, Grounding as necessary)