
Tuesday 19 June 2012



Note that a legend has a lot of Story and little Reality. The story is that one day Mr. Mikao Usui while teaching religion in a Christian college in Japan, was talking about Jesus Christ. His students: if it's true that Jesus could heal where are the teachings now? Not having answers for his students Usui travelled the world looking for a system of healing that worked and did not find it. He returned to Japan and began to meditate and fasting for twenty-one days on a Sacred mountain. After twenty-one days a sphere of light hit him in the third eye (brow) and he understood all the Reiki healing systems. Going down the mountain trips and hurts his foot and it healed. Further down the mountain   he heals a toothache  for the innkeeper's daughter.
Dr Usui  did not return to the school but decided to dedicate his time to applying the healing system to the poor and beggars on the streets of Japan. Some time later he realised that the people he had previously healed were returning. It was then that he realised that because his healing had been given freely they held no value to the people and they had again become ill.
He then decided to open a Reiki clinic and several people studied under him to learn the mastery of the system of healing, including his good friend and soldier named Hayashi to whom he entrusted the direction of the clinic.
While on vacation in Japan a Hawaiian lady called Takaya gave him a call with  Appendicitis, she refused surgery but decided  to go to Usui's clinic. Hayashi healed Takata  and was so his interested she studied the first level of the system. Takata returned to Hawaii and practiced Reiki Healing System for some time until until one day  Hayashi  visited Hawaii and taught Takata the second level and Master System.
Takata in later life taught his granddaughter Furomoto and her husband. It was Furomoto and her husband who created "Reiki International Alliance" and introduced the  Reiki Healing System in America and Europe. After a while some Reiki Masters did not agree with the soaring popularity of Reiki Alliance and become independent Masters.