
Sunday 30 June 2013


Never work just for money or for power.
They won’t save your soul or
help you sleep at night.

 M.W. Edelman

Friday 28 June 2013


The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. 
The desire to reach hearts is wise.
 Maya Angelou

Thursday 27 June 2013


Don’t let someone who has a bad
attitude give it to you.
 Joyce Meyer

Tuesday 25 June 2013


There’s always something to be upset about.
Inner peace is a choice.
Rick Warren

Monday 24 June 2013


Chasing power is a sign of insecurity.
 Rev Run

Sunday 23 June 2013


I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King

Saturday 22 June 2013


Nothing will ever satisfy your soul until
you allow His love to fill the empty places.
 Victoria Osteen

Friday 21 June 2013


Most barriers to your success are manmade.
And most often, you’re the man
who made them.
Frank Tyger

Thursday 20 June 2013


The weak can never forgive.
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Mahatma Gandhi

Monday 10 June 2013


Generally speaking, many of us are old souls, but some of us have been here much
longer than others. So, how can you tell if you have an old soul? 
1 - Do you understand many the most profound lessons of life.
For some people, it is difficult to imagine that the soul of a child may be much
higher than the soul of their parents. For these people in particular, this is a sign
that his soul might be younger than yours. Once you understand that the time, 
space, energy and matter are three-dimensional products, the theory of time
 becomes irrelevant, so that the theory of the age of your soul also becomes
 irrelevant.2 - You are in contact with your natural abilities or have a great interest in 
these skills.
Some people are born with innate gifts as special healing ability or psychic abilities.
The truth is that everyone has those skills, but older soul is more in line with
how to access and apply these skills in the name of humanity. If you have any
special skills, but a great interest in it, this is just your soul trying to remember
these skills you could have had in a previous life. 

3 - You become aware spiritually 
Everyone is pure consciousness, but many people have difficulty understanding 
what this means. Your soul is pure consciousness and love. It has a unique 
understanding of how the matrix is being manipulated on this planet and
realize that everything we do as humans help facilitate the awakening of others.

4 - You understand the importance of forgiveness 
Some people are souls who still have much to learn because they are trapped
inside of the box with their ideologies, are materialistic, stubborn, want things 
their way and just have not learned the importance of forgiveness. To forgive 
ourselves and others, we can release the karma and ties between these people. 

5 - You are able to transcend the ego 
It is almost impossible for anyone to completely transcend ego 100% of the time, 
but just be aware of our ego and how it works against unity consciousness is a 
definite sign of an old soul. Being in denial regarding the ego is who runs your
 life, relationships and actions, is the same in souls long way to go. 

6 - You are able to transcend the materialism 
The money and materialism are the result of this dimensional reality and is easy 
to succumb to materialism. An older soul realizes that money is nonexistent, an 
illusion, a bond that worries and fills the world with unevolved souls, which 
usually takes us away from what we really are and we must transcend as
 spiritual beings. Those who are old souls usually use money as a tool to help, 
to give and to facilitate spiritual progress. Always use their money to help others
 who are less fortunate, without making it, without making them feel bad. 
That is the secret of true generosity of a being that has the guide and your
 higher connection. 

7 - You are able to understand the concept that your body is a container of your 

Before you were born, you choose not only your parents, also chose your life 
situations and challenges that would facilitate your spiritual growth while 
expiating any previous karma. 

8The body that currently occupy is simply a container for the soul.
Have an understanding of what you need to do to complete your spiritual
progress.Only get here, you're more awake than most people on this planet.
Have an understanding of the universal laws and what remains to be done in
your soul contract. Even if you are not sure about this, your higher self and
spiritual guides continue taking you in the right direction.

9 - You have a strong feeling that the home is not Earth.
Have you ever looked at the sky randomly and stayed seeing an unknown star
without any particular reason? b) Do you have a special connection with specific 
star systems such as Sirius, the Pleiades or Orion's Belt? c) Wars and corruption
 make you feel uncomfortable, as if there were in the place where it originally
 came from? d) Are you one of those souls who volunteered to come here at this
 specific point in time to serve and help with the ascension Earth? If you
 answered yes to any of these questions, then chances are that the Earth is not
 your home planet.10 - You tend to be a loner. 
The loner is often condescending, but in reality these old souls are looking for
 other pieces of themselves and often move away from the younger souls who still
 cling to the promptings of ego, they need more incarnations in dimensional
 planet. Older souls will find other like-minded people, because there is a comfort
 and familiarity with this type of people who will help provide other spiritual 

11 - Have an unruly nature 
Whether you rebel against religion, laws or anything else, this is a sign that the 
soul knows only real laws ... the laws of the Universe.

12 - Have a burning desire to reach the truth and inner wisdom 
Many old souls can easily see the lies we have been taught through religion,
 politics and through our schools. While they realize that we are all one with the 
universe, they also want the truth exposed, to help others in their awakening 

13 - Do you feel a separation between you and the alleged "real world"? 
By transcending the ego and materialism, you are experiencing a different 
lifestyle.While this form of life is unique to your present incarnation seems to
 have also a knowledge of the direction you are heading.

14 - Are you curious about if you're an old soul or not. 
Many young souls would not this question, much less be worried about it. While
many old souls not worry, for different reasons, just "know" they are old souls,
 but it is good to have
statements that match their spiritual progress.

15 - You are able to give, to serve without expecting anything in return. 
When you serve and give, without judging, without manipulation, without 
blaming others without expecting anything in return, when you overcome your 
ego, your poor and conditioned mind when your emotions and sublime be
 generous, sincere, loving and honestly, you have transcended and be ready to go
 on the road we call rates, light and spirituality. many of the Awakened probably
 will move to their next level of spiritual evolution. It is important to remember
 that this is not a race, because in the end, we all win.

Enjoy every millisecond in this incarnation because this may be the 

last time
 you're going to experience a three-dimensional reality!
By Namaste Street.